Postpartum Affirmations {FREE Printable}
Your life is now transitioning with a new little person in it and this can be a lot to navigate!
As new parents there are quite a few things to keep up with. From breast or bottle feeding to baby soothing and lack of sleep, we can easily start to second guess ourselves.
During our first few weeks postpartum, we are running on just a few hours of sleep at a time and exploring new, unfamiliar territory with our new, teeny babies.
There are so many questions that may run through your mind during this time regarding taking care of your newborn.
Is my baby getting enough to eat?
Is swaddling safe?
Is she spitting up too much?
Is she sleeping too much/ not enough?
That list could go on with questions!
There is an emotional side to your postpartum experience due to a number of things. Hormone changes from birthing the placenta, producing milk, questions of uncertainty, physical recovery and again, significantly less sleep to name a few, all contribute to our emotional transition as well.
It can be challenging.
As a new mom five times over, I can attest to the benefit of positive or realistic affirmations when I experienced those moments of doubt.
Sometimes those moments of pure defeat.
It's uncomfortable and if experiencing postpartum anxiety, can increase feelings of panic. Having a phrase in your back pocket can change your outlook or be that buoy until you can reach out to further resources.
Consider having a Certified Postpartum & Infant Care Doula as one of your resources. She can be your confidant, your person who validates you and helps you navigate this whole new world as a new parent.
In thinking about where you are at or where you are about to be, we want to share this printable with you to help keep your mind and spirit in a present and real place, something to hold onto during those moments of doubt.

For further support from professional, down to earth people, who recognize the vulnerable season of life you are in, give us a call or shoot an email with any questions regarding your postpartum transition. You can have a doula on your doorstep in no time.