THE Parent Must Have-A Happy Place {Bonus Video!}

When you're making your baby list and quickly marking items off, you may not realize you have been bulldozing through to-do's faster than most people can at any given time.
Nesting is real y'all. So is tunnel vision.
It's easy to forget and for some of us, easy to ignore when our bodies and our minds are crying out to us for some rejuvenation.
As soon-to-be moms {and dad's!} it really is imperative to inhale and exhale at a speed that breathes life back into us when we are feeling depleted. With the daily stresses of our fast paced lives' tension can build and before you know we are feeling irritable. Or more tired than usual.
Maybe even depressed. According to ACOG anywhere between 14-23% of women will experience symptoms of depression during pregnancy. Way too often it's overlooked because as women and especially pregnant women, the illness is assumed to be a hormonal imbalance.
There are indeed hormone changes that affect the chemicals in your brain that are related to depression and anxiety and when coupled with tough life circumstances can lead to antepartum depression.
Women who have depression will typically experience symptoms for two weeks or more. Some symptoms include, feeling worthless, apathy, continual sadness, thoughts of death, trouble sleeping or sleeping a lot more than usual.
As Hali shares with us from her home away from home, "Everyone needs a happy place. Whatever that is, find it and go there. Go there as often as you can."
While we are not saying that going to the beach will heal a mental illness, we ARE saying that your happy place is yours for a reason! Your mind and body must retreat and refill. We must put good back in.
So whatever your happy place is, go there. And go there often.
Pregnancy Tip!
Take advantage of a nice little swim to not only cool down, but allow the water to take the extra weight off your joints and possibly help reduce swelling.
Now you may enjoy this adorably encouraging video from Hali Hemingway. You're Welcome. <3 Take note from this chic...I don't refer to her as Poppy for no reason. Her positive spirit is contagious!