Breastfeeding Station Basket

For the first few weeks after baby is born, you may find that you spend a large portion of the day resting and physically recovering from giving birth. As Postpartum and Infant Care Doulas, a big part of our job is to help create a safe little nest for you to do so comfortably. In that nest you want to have access to any and all items you may need to reduce the back and forth of tracking down things for those unexpected moments that newborns often surprise us with.
As doulas we are pro's at anticipating the needs of families during pregnancy, birth and through their postpartum period.
Because of this we went ahead and put together a list for the much needed breastfeeding station basket.
If you are exclusively breastfeeding you will be nursing your little one approximately 8 to 12 times in a 24 hour period. Having all of your essential items in one place (beside your nest!) will make things so much easier for you.
Let's get started!
1. Medium Size Basket (with handles). First, you will need a basket that is a big enough size to hold around 10 items that can be easily transported to a new place you may find yourself resting. When working with our clients we find that the most common areas of rest are in the living room or master bedroom. A basket like this one at World Market would be a great one to have ready before baby gets here!
2. Diapers & Wipes. Second, keep 3-4 extra diapers and a pack of wipes in there. Newborns are notorious for pooping in between feedings, while they are being fed and after you've laid them down in between feedings. Throw in a pack of wipes for this reason as well.
3. Burp Cloths. Because unlike us (thank the Lord!) babies often have their meal come back up with a burp and you want to be ready to catch and soak that into one of these burp cloths!
4. Onesies. Again with the poop. In my years as a doula and mom to five, I've seen babies manage to get their mustard colored baby poop on their clothes (and perhaps the sofa as well) while completely missing the diaper altogether. You could only be so lucky not to have to change them both ha!
Check out our video on what you can expect when it comes to your baby's poop. In color! ;)
5. Changing Pad. See number 2 & 4. Just pick one of these portable diaper changing pad's up from Target and call it a day.
6. Swaddle. Because literally {almost} all babies love to be wrapped snug in a swaddle blanket and because it makes them happy and sleepy. If you keep a bassinet or pack n play near by you can lay your sweet cherub down and move on to some quick self care (with two arms!) before the next feeding.
7. Lip Balm. Now to list some goodies for you. Breastfeeding often makes you thiirrssty. And with that thirst may come some dry lips. Rather than sending someone on some deep sea scavenger hunt to the bottom of your purse, keep some in the basket for yourself.
8. Water Bottle & Snacks. As mentioned in number 7 breastfeeding can leave us parched. Along with our dry mouth, women have often described feeling ravenous with cravings that pale in comparison to those pregnancy had to offer. Keeping your yeti filled and a plethora of snacks tucked out of any else's sight ;) you can help curb the hunger in between meal times.
9. All Purpose Nipple Ointment. While our nipples can heal quickly it is important to note that there can be a major adjustment from before we were nursing, to latching on what sometimes might feel like something from Sharknado. Moist healing will not only soothe, but be continuous healing between feedings, preparing you for your next nursing session. Applying an all purpose nipple ointment (APNO) is suggested to help ease the pain of sore nipples while getting used to breastfeeding.
10. Haakaa. We are often asked when clients can start pumping so they can store some milk for when they head back to work. It isn't recommended to pump during the early weeks because it could lead to oversupply (unless suggested by an IBCLC) so we send them some info on this cool little gadget, called a Haakaa to help you collect milk, helping drain your breast without stimulating them to make more milk. Watch this Haakaa video on how to maximize each use!
Put this on your baby prepping list and take a little shopping trip next time you're feeling nesty. Your baby station basket will undoubtedly come in handy for you when your baby is finally in your arms!
As doulas, we are always more than happy to help you prep for your postpartum period any way you need. You have a question? We'll give you the answer to simplify your transition, making your experience as smooth as possible.