{Top 5} Postpartum Essentials!

The amount of baby items you can purchase can seem endless and be a little overwhelming when you simply google, what to buy for baby or baby items for the first year. But, with the help of our clients we have put together a list of commonly referred to must have products to get you through at least the first month after bringing baby home.
Aside from diapers, wipes and adorably sized clothes there isn't a whole lot you have to have on hand for baby's arrival. And when babies come on their own terms, sometimes the timing of their debut can take you by surprise. Having just a few very helpful items can reduce the stress of not feeling like you have everything prepared perfectly.
So here's what our clients have come up with to help you feel prepared and get you through the first month or more.
Number 1!
Pajamas! Did you feel that excitement? Can you tell I like pajamas? Now I promise this list is from clients, but I couldn't agree more that a few pair of pretty, comfortable (heck buy you some new ones!) pajamas will help you feel fresh and put together while you spend most of your time resting and feeding your baby. If you plan on breastfeeding, pick you up some pj's that button down the front for convenience!
Number 2.
A hairdryer. Well that sounds odd doesn't it? We got this really cool tip from a client who knows her stuff when it comes to skin. Being a dermatologist and a new
parent had her acutely aware of how to treat sensitive baby skin! During each diaper change they would use the cool setting on the hairdryer and dry baby's bottom completely before placing his new diaper on. Not only does this work so efficiently in keeping his skin dry with the many diaper changes newborns receive daily, but the sound and feeling is instantly calming!
Number 3.
The Boppy. The Boppy pillow is very helpful when breast or bottle feeding your baby because it helps to keep her lifted close to you with it resting on your lap. This helps you sit in a comfortable position for hours a day. It's even helpful to lay baby down on it to free your hands for a moment (supervised of course!)
Number 4.
Pack-n-Play. Most commonly there is a baby changing station set up in the nursery but in the first few weeks parents are frequently camped out in the master bedroom or main living area. The last thing they want to do is go back and forth to the nursery to change baby's diaper 6-8 (or 87) times a day. So setting up an additional changing station that includes a sleeping space like the pictured pack-n-play for your baby will be super convenient!
Number 5.
Swaddle. Learning how to wrap some swaddles or find one your baby loves that you don't have to wrap is a game changer. The Love to Dream zip up swaddles are great options for little babies that don't like to have their arms secured down but still love the snug feeling the rest of the swaddle provides.
As postpartum doulas with thousands of hours of experience working with new families in Wilmington, Jacksonville and the surrounding areas, we can attest to these products and how well they can get you through the first month of your sweet baby being home.