Meet Your Doula-Taryn Youngs <3

Let's continue the fun! Getting to know who will be working with you is a huge part of our service as labor and postpartum doulas. Birth and parenting is a private event that should have trusted people in your corner. Here are some fun facts about one of Wilmington Coastal Doulas affiliated doulas, Taryn. Maybe you share some common interests!
1. What are some small things that make your day better?
Iced coffee & snuggles with my miniature schnauzer make my day a whole lot brighter.
2. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
For as long as I can remember I have always known my calling was to be working in the delivery room. I have an extreme desire and love to work with babies and the parents-to-be. I absolutely love caring for people and couldn’t be any more excited to fulfill my dreams by supporting the birthing mother and family through this exciting time in their lives. The miracle of childbirth is such an incredible experience to be apart of. I am truly blessed!
3. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?
I have a scar on my left leg from a road biking accident. I was fairly new to the biking activity and crashed going 30mph on an oil slick in the curve of the road. My dad and I were training for a cross-country bike trip.
4. What would be some of the most annoying things about having you as a roommate?
My husband would probably say that I wake up way too early. As soon as the sun is up and my mind starts thinking, I can’t go back to sleep!
5. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for?
I honestly think I would have a pretty good chance of winning a medal in the ‘Netflix Watching’ Olympics. Not any kind of medal either…taking home the gold!
6. What do you wish your brain was better at doing?
I really wish my brain was better at remembering names when I meet a new person. Its not that I’m not paying attention, the name just goes flying over my head during our introductions.
7. What shows are you into?
I really enjoy all the shows on TLC or HGTV. I also may or may not be into several series on Netflix at once.
8. How different was your life one year ago?
My life a year ago was pretty different but its about to get a WHOLE lot different sometime here soon. We are expecting our first baby!
9. What's the best thing you got from your parents?
The best thing I ever received from my parents was the gift of traveling. They both made an effort and worked so hard to make it possible for us to travel and see the United States in a RV as a family. Some of my favorite childhood memories come from that trip and I am forever grateful.
10. What is one of your favorite smells?
I am really into the Young Living Essential oils and use them almost every day. They have so many that I love the smell of, but I do find myself diffusing Purification and Lemongrass together pretty often.
11. What job would you be terrible at?
I would be a terrible Storm Chaser. I have always been terrified of thunderstorms because of the CHANCE of it developing into a tornado. I remember when I was younger working my self up so much I would feel nauseous and have to lie down underneath blankets to hide.
12. If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?
If I could make one rule for everyone to follow, I would make a rule that everyone had to finish the task they originally started before moving onto the next. Nothing bothers me more than seeing a bunch of unfinished tasks around the house.
13. What's your favorite piece of clothing you own?
My favorite piece of clothing I own would probably have to be scarves…and I have way too many of them!
14. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?
My ideal way to spend the weekend is most definitely doing anything with my husband. His work schedule makes the weekends he doesn’t have to work very special to us. When we have a weekend together, you can find us enjoying the outdoors on our boat or beach cruisers with our Miniature Schnauzer named Oaklee!
15. What is something you will NEVER do again?
When I was about 7 years old, my brothers and I were entered into a rodeo to ride baby bulls and in my case, a baby sheep. the lady made quite the impression that these sheep were so gentle and kind... plus each of us kids would win FIVE DOLLARS if we were a part of the event. We were of course sold on the idea and told her we'd be there! Turns out, these baby sheep were INSANE and it was the most terrifying couple seconds of my life. Never ever will I ever be in a rodeo again!
Aren't these fun?! It's always interesting to hear answers from others to these unique questions. Try them out! They make great conversation starters for a girl's night or double date!