Doing This Does NOT Make You A Terrible ParentTrigger Warning: Potential Infant Loss I have gone back and forth on whether I should write about this topic or not. So many different...
Meet Your Doula-Whitney TeelHey there! We at Wilmington Coastal Doulas wanted to give you a little look in to who we are and created this blog series, Meet Your...
What To Expect When You're Expecting A Live-In DoulaThe most effective form of help postpartum. Healthy mind, healthy bond for mom and baby.
Pediatric House Calls {Great For New Parents!}We got together with Dr. Marc Yandle and Dr. Nate Cook of Dockside Pediatrics to bring you answers to some of the most common questions...
Bible Verses To Cope With Childbirth {FREE printable}I think it's pretty safe to say that labor is a challenge. A real challenge. Birthing your baby will likely push you further than you've...
Meet Your Doula-Hali Hemingway <3It's time for another fun post from one of our labor and postpartum doulas, Hali! In all honesty, everyone should know this woman. 1....
Inside Placenta Encapsulation!It's no secret that there are people who are stand off-ish about placenta encapsulation. You probably get some confused looks the moment...